Author biography:
Luigi Musolino was born in 1982 in the province of Turin, where he lives and works. A specialist in Italian folklore, he is the author of several collections of tales of weird fiction, horror, and rural Gothic. His first novel, Eredità di carne [Legacy of Flesh], was published by Acheron Books in 2019 and his novella Pupille [Pupils] was published by Zona42 in 2021. He has translated into Italian works by Brian Keene, Lisa Mannetti, Michael Laimo, and the autobiographical writings of H. P. Lovecraft. His most recent publication in Italian, Un buio diverso – Voci dai Necromileus [A Different Darkness – Voices from the Necromilieus], is published by Edizioni Hypnos, one of the most important Italian publishers of speculative fiction. His work has also been published in the U.S., Canada, Ireland, and South Africa.
Luigi Musolino was born in 1982 in the province of Turin, where he lives and works. A specialist in Italian folklore, he is the author of several collections of tales of weird fiction, horror, and rural Gothic. His first novel, Eredità di carne [Legacy of Flesh], was published by Acheron Books in 2019 and his novella Pupille [Pupils] was published by Zona42 in 2021. He has translated into Italian works by Brian Keene, Lisa Mannetti, Michael Laimo, and the autobiographical writings of H. P. Lovecraft. His most recent publication in Italian, Un buio diverso – Voci dai Necromileus [A Different Darkness – Voices from the Necromilieus], is published by Edizioni Hypnos, one of the most important Italian publishers of speculative fiction. His work has also been published in the U.S., Canada, Ireland, and South Africa.