James D. Jenkins is the publisher and general editor for Valancourt Books. He holds degrees in literature from the University of Kansas and the University of Chicago and a law degree from the University of Minnesota. He has published on the Gothic in peer-reviewed journals and spoken on Gothic literature at numerous academic conferences and also lectured on scholarly editing at universities in the United States and Canada. A devoted fan and collector of the types of lost Gothic and popular fiction published by Valancourt, he has edited several of Valancourt's publications and regularly travels with the press to academic conferences to display Valancourt's books and speak with prospective editors. As of June 2013, he resides in Richmond, Virginia.
Jay first became interested in Gothic and other lost popular literature as an undergraduate after stumbling upon a small, strange, old black book called The Castle of Otranto in the library stacks. Enthralled by this odd book, which was so much different than all the other old books they make you read in English class, he quickly devoured the few other Gothic novels available in print before discovering that the overwhelming majority of these wonderful books were long out of print and impossible to get. But not anymore, thanks to the efforts of Valancourt Books.
Jay first became interested in Gothic and other lost popular literature as an undergraduate after stumbling upon a small, strange, old black book called The Castle of Otranto in the library stacks. Enthralled by this odd book, which was so much different than all the other old books they make you read in English class, he quickly devoured the few other Gothic novels available in print before discovering that the overwhelming majority of these wonderful books were long out of print and impossible to get. But not anymore, thanks to the efforts of Valancourt Books.

Ryan Cagle was born in New Orleans and grew up in Lafayette, Louisiana. A horror book and film lover, he focuses most of his energy on reviving titles for our Horror & Supernatural catalog. He also handles all online ordering, keeping our ever-growing list of indie bookstores stocked with Valancourt titles, maintains the website and our social media accounts. Some of his favorite titles in our catalog are Wisteria Cottage, Out for Blood, The Curse of the Wise Woman, and The Feast of Bacchus.

Our namesake was a Ragdoll rescued from an animal shelter in Seattle in 2005. Valancourt passed away in 2013 after a year battle with cancer but he will forever be part of our family.